تطوير المواد التعليمية لمهارة الاستماع باستخدام Plotagon Studio للطلاب في الصف السابع بالمدرسة المتوسطة الإسلامية حكمة الأمانة موجوكرطا

Alfin, Khoiri Zulfanuria (2022) تطوير المواد التعليمية لمهارة الاستماع باستخدام Plotagon Studio للطلاب في الصف السابع بالمدرسة المتوسطة الإسلامية حكمة الأمانة موجوكرطا. Diploma thesis, Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim.

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The technologycal development has an impact in all fields, including the realm of learning Arabic which requires a teacher to apply it in learning activities. Maharoh Istima 'as one of the Arabic language skills requires the use of teaching materials that contain audio. But in fact, there are still many obstacles faced by students in learning istima', one of which is learning in class VII MTs Hikmatul Amanah Mojokerto which only revolves around the use of worksheets as teaching materials. In the special learning process, students easily feel bored so that the learning objectives are often not achieved. Considering this situation, the researcher tried to develop an electronic-based teaching material using the Plotagon Studio application. This study aimed to determine the process of developing maharah istima' teaching materials using the Plotagon Studio application for class VII students of MTs Hikmatul Amanah Mojokerto, and to determine the effectiveness of it.
Researcher used the type of Research and Development with reference to the ADDIE Development Model which consists of five development steps including: First, Analysis, is the preliminary stage, namely analyzing the need for product development. Second, Design is a systematic process that starts from designing the concept and content in the product. Third, Development is the stage of product design realization. Fourth, Implementation is a real step to implement the product that has been made. Fifth, Evaluation (evaluation) is the development stage to measure the achievement of development goals.
The results of this development research are (1) Researchers apply five development steps. The results of the validation of teaching materials are: (a) expert validation of the content feasibility aspect is 81.25%. (b) validation of the presentation aspect design experts is 79.5%. (c) linguistics aspect validation is 90%. (2) the use of maharah istima' teaching materials using Plotagon Studio has proven to be effective. This refers to the results of the analysis of student learning tests using SPSS version 23, namely: (a) the results of the Paired Sample T-Test test obtained that the value of Sig. (2-tailed) which means the value of sig <0.005 this indicates that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that there are differences in learning outcomes before and after the use of teaching materials. (b) the results of the N-Gain test show that the average N-Gain is 64.2, meaning that the effectiveness of teaching materials is in the quite effective category.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah > Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Depositing User: S1 PBA IKHAC
Date Deposited: 17 Feb 2023 09:40
Last Modified: 17 Feb 2023 09:40
URI: http://repository.ikhac.ac.id/id/eprint/1769

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